Cyril Smith: the paedophile MP and the police and MI5 cover-up (Dispatches documentary) (video)

First broadcast in September 2013, this is the Channel 4 Dispatches documentary that explored the horrific scale of Cyril Smith‘s sexual abuse of children and the how the police, crown prosecution service and MI5 not only knew of his activities but actively protected him from being prosecuted for his crimes.

Cyril smith confesses to police combi

Of course, no one in the police forces involved, the CPS or in MI5 has been held to account for aiding and abetting Smith’s vile crimes against children and that is something for which they and all of our politicians should be ashamed.

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© Blakeway Productions for Channel 4



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2 thoughts on “Cyril Smith: the paedophile MP and the police and MI5 cover-up (Dispatches documentary) (video)

  1. Pingback: Richard Farnell and Cyril Smith | goodnessandharmony

  2. Pingback: Cyril Smith: the paedophile MP and the police and MI5 cover-up | Catholic Canada

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