Irrational Debate And A Misinformed Public: Things We Don’t Have To Learn From America (Updated)

New video added

I Am Incorrigible

Social Mobility in the US Pew Charitable Trusts Business Insider

It is said that what happens in the US happens in the UK shortly afterwards. This clip of the Daily Show was broadcast in August 2011 and touches on many of the same arguments used by the Conservative Party in the UK to justify a form of austerity that attacks the incomes and the dignity of the weakest and the poorest in society whilst claiming that the government has “no choice” in the matter. And anyway, the “poor” are just moochers who can’t really be poor if they have a flat screen TV, refrigerator, mobile phone and a microwave oven….

To watch the clip you need to type or copy and paste the passwordimincorrigible

© Comedy Central

*The income inequality table referenced in the video can be found at the end of this post

The irrationality, particularly as espoused by the Tea Party and Fox News, that surrounds the philosophical and economic argument of…

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Cameron’s Con: His ‘planned’ rules against benefit tourism are already British law

Mike Sivier's blog

David Cameron seems to have created quite a stir with his plan to restrict access to benefits for EU immigrants. Would he have made such a splash if it was widely known that, firstly, benefit tourism is a myth and, secondly, most of his ‘new’ measures are already in place?

The BBC has reported that Cameron is “proposing powers to deport homeless migrants and cut rights to unemployment and housing benefits”. This is simply not accurate.

The ‘proposal’ to stop out-of-work benefits being paid after six months unless a claimant has a “genuine” chance of a job is already enshrined in UK law.

Take a look at the Citizens Advice Bureau website, which states quite clearly: “If you’re looking for work and have registered as a jobseeker at Jobcentre Plus… you will … have to take the Habitual Residence Test [to prove residence in the UK] and prove…

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If you have done nothing wrong you have EVERYTHING to fear: Part 2 There are no friends in the spying game (video)

 UK USA Agreement on Spying 10may55 Text and additional AV to follow …….. if you have done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear. Related articles If you have done nothing wrong you have EVERYTHING to fear: Part 1 Glenn Greenwald interview If … Continue reading

Now it’s clear – the Royal Mail privatisation ripped-off the British people (video)

Ripping-off the public to line the pockets of the fat cats plus ca change

UBS and Goldman Sachs who were appointed by the government to run the privatisation advised that the Royal Mail was worth £3.7bn but other banks including JP Morgan and Citibank said that it was probably worth up to £10bn. The … Continue reading

Obama’s drone strikes are murder – it’s that simple (video)

President Obama’s murderous extra judicial killing sprees are a stain on his administration and must end. Drone attacks kill and maim thousands including women and children and these murders make him no different to Saddam or Gaddafi. Here is Stephen Colbert’s short but … Continue reading

If you have done nothing wrong you have EVERYTHING to fear: Part 1 Glenn Greenwald interview (video)

Watching Britain’s top spies today reminded me of how politicians and the security services like to tell us that our intelligence services operate within the law and “if we have done nothing wrong we have nothing to fear”.  Recent revelations by Edward Snowden … Continue reading

Public Accounts Committee says Iain Duncan Smith’s Universal Credit project is guilty of “shocking failures in management” and is an “unmitigated disaster” (video)

"Not clever enough": IDS is an unmitigated disaster and a ministerial failure

Today the Chair of the Public Accounts Committee, Margaret Hodge, said that Iain Duncan Smith‘s flagship policy, universal credit, was: “an unmitigated disaster of extraordinary proportions in every aspect of the programme so far”.   To add insult to injury, today’s Times newspaper … Continue reading

Lord Saatchi: Capitalism isn’t working (video)

Thatcher’s advertising guru Maurice Saatchi agrees that “capitalism isn’t working”, that Karl Marx may have been right and that the UK energy market is run by a cartel. Whatever next? Related articles If Robert Peston thinks that it’s time to stop … Continue reading

Evidence not ideology: Professor Nutt’s award is polite up yours to UK government’s ideological policy making (video)

Professor David Nutt has been berated by government ministers, especially Alan Johnson, for publicly stating his evidence based opinion about the relative harms associated with different types of drugs. He was ultimately fired for standing his ground and suggesting that ministers … Continue reading

Police say Grant Shapps’ firm sales “may constitute offence of fraud” but refuse to investigate (video)

Is this the true quid pro quo for plebgate?

So the police have decided that, even though they have prima facie evidence and legal advice that confirms that a fraud “may” have been committed by a firm of which a current senior member of the government was a Director and key figure … Continue reading

David Cameron takes “a hell of a beating” at PMQ’s (video)

On the 23rd October, David Cameron had a “nightmare” PMQ’s according to BBC political editor Nick Robinson. Viewers of the Daily Politics overwhelmingly agreed. This blog has preserved the encounter for posterity. Related articles David Cameron Ignoring Ed Miliband’s Questions At … Continue reading